I was honored to be invited to serve on a panel for the Voice of Careers webinar series. Mark Stelzner moderated the webinar: Social Media for Job Seekers: A Career Coaches Panel, where I joined fellow coaches, Dawn Bugni and Shahrzad Arasteh to provide advice for job seekers about how to leverage social media for job seeking.
Luckily, Laurie Ruettimann, co-founder (with Mark Stelzner and Yasha Morehouse Stelzner) of New Media Services, live tweeted our talk. The tweets are below…I hope there is a tidbit or new piece of information you have not considered. (Note – to read everything in order, start at the bottom and work your way up! These are in reverse chronological order.)
The next free Voice of Careers webinar is Networking With A Purpose Via Social Media on September 15th!