Transitioning from one type of job to another is not easy. It’s important to understand how to articulate what you have to offer to a new employer, even if your past work is not exactly the same as what they’d expect for an applicant. [Read more…] about How veterans can find jobs
Using Facebook to find a job?
If you are looking for a job, it’s no secret I believe you can use social networking to help you land your target position. While traditional media outlets enjoy focusing on how people lose jobs via Twitter or Facebook, I know you can use those tools to land a job. [Read more…] about Using Facebook to find a job?
How to get a job: whose back do you have?
Last night, President Obama delivered the State of the Union address. He spoke a lot about jobs and getting people back to work, but that is not what inspired this post. The President spoke about a mission — and about being able to get something — something BIG — done, because you know someone has your back. [Read more…] about How to get a job: whose back do you have?
Market yourself to your target audience
You can’t maintain a personal brand in a vacuum, and it’s not a personal brand if you try to approach it like everyone else. One of the mantras in my book, Social Networking for Career Success, is that you need to select the networks and online outlets best suited to you if you’re going to have an authentic digital footprint. [Read more…] about Market yourself to your target audience
Network well via informational interviews
Informational interviews can make all the difference in your job hunt. Meeting with someone who may be able to share insights or information with you to improve your job search prospects is a key job search and networking strategy. Do you know how to ask for them? Or why? [Read more…] about Network well via informational interviews