Chris Russell tagged me in a blogging meme…Not one to be a party pooper, here are 7 random facts about me:
1. I was born and raised in the south suburbs of Chicago, rode my bike through all winter weather in Ann Arbor as a student at U. of Michigan and survived 4 years of slushing my way through New York City’s winter weather before moving to Atlanta, GA.
2. Despite these facts, I cannot stand if the mercury dips below 50 degrees, and am a total winter wimp.
3. I have a champion cat named Brookie. She’s a Cornish Rex. Think big ears and almost hairless, but cute! She has a tendency to scream. Like a tortured person. She doesn’t seem to need a particular reason. So, don’t be alarmed if we’re on the phone and you hear shrieking!
4. I worked on Wall Street for three years before leaving to get a Master’s degree from Columbia University to become a career coach. (Best. Career move. Ever.)
5. “Keppie” is a Yiddish word that means head. Keppie was always a big word in our house. What, with “keppie cat” and “keppie kids” and “don’t bump your keppie.” When I named my business, it was, “Keppie Careers, A Head Above the Rest.” It’s still “a head above the rest,” but I now use “Encouraging, Enlightening, Empowering” for my tag line!
6. I’m bringing the homemade pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving dinner. (My mom’s recipe.)
7. I was so excited when Steve from SlipFire Website Designs said I could have different font sizes on my new blog, he thought I was crying! (I wasn’t, but I was pretty excited!) I LOVE to blog and connect with others online, and I’m tagging the following bloggers:
Willy Franzen at One Day One Job
Here are the rules for my fellow bloggers:
• Link your original tagger(s), and list these rules on your blog.
• Share seven facts about yourself in the post – some random, some weird.
• Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
• Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs and/or Twitter.
Now that you know me better, please feel free to touch base. How can I help get your job search started off on the right foot?