Remember when “temps” were administrative professionals and retail workers at the holidays? It’s time to adjust your thinking; the “temporary” job has taken on a whole new meaning. In a post for Marketplace Money, Sara Horowitz, the CEO of the Freelancers Union, suggests that freelancing has become a factor in every part of the labor market.
Companies reluctant to ramp up their full-time workforce are realizing they can accomplish their targets with temporary workers. This may be a trend that continues whether or not the economy improves.
Bill Inman is the president of Emergent, a California-based contingent workforce employer that works with companies across a variety of industries, including finance, legal, marketing, technology, and engineering. He explains: “We are seeing a shift in values where independent and highly specialized workers are looking for greater flexibility and more control over their schedules and lives. At the same time, companies are changing how they approach their workforce needs and looking for more flexible staffing arrangements.”
If you’re looking for work, or searching for a position in a new field, this may be the opportune time to take a temporary or contract assignment. Inman has seen job seekers benefit from taking on temporary and contract assignments. He explains: “It allows them to choose what assignments or projects they want, giving them greater flexibility and a work style that fits better into their schedule.”
Do you think you may want to consider pursuing a contingent or temporary job? These are Inman’s suggestions for successfully navigating the field and taking advantage of the growing use of contract and temporary workers in this new job market:
Keep your options open.
Build your skills.
Let your network know you’re open to temporary work.
Tweak your resume.
Give your temporary position your all.
Read the entire post on U.S. News & World Report
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