I don’t make it a secret that Twitter is my favorite social network and one I think has great potential for job seekers. If you have not tried Twitter, it can be a useful tool to help you expand the network of people who know you (even if it is just virtually) and who may be willing to to provide information or advice to assist you with your career plans.
Here is a round up of the blogs I have written about using Twitter for the job hunt!
Twitter users are more likely to get interviews
LinkedIn helps you find friends on Twitter
Twitter chats – a great way to expand your network
Evidence that Twitter is important for job seekers
Can you find a job on Twitter?
What Twitter applications should you use for your job search?
People to follow on Twitter to accelerate your job search
Use Twitter for your job search
Using Twitter to hire – the employer’s perspective
Can you find a job on Twitter? Yes, you can!