When it comes time to decide on financial decisions, it can be tricky. Should you get insurance? Where and how should you invest? [Read more…] about How to make the right financial choices when you start a job
How NOT to ask for help with your job hunt
You’ve heard it over and over—networking is key to helping you find a job. You may not know that asking everyone you see to help you land an opportunity could be one of your worst job-hunting mistakes. Why? Most people have no idea how to help you. Of course, they want to assist, but without your specific guidance, they don’t always know how to proceed. [Read more…] about How NOT to ask for help with your job hunt
100 Conversations for Career Success honored with Career Innovator Award
Career Directors International, the premier organization for career professionals, including career coaches and resume writers, just announced their fourth annual Career Innovator Awards. [Read more…] about 100 Conversations for Career Success honored with Career Innovator Award
How to avoid email problems
Email is a crucial communication tool, both at work and during job search. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to make a detrimental email mistake that has the potential to kill your career or bring your job search to a halt. Don’t let these happen to you. [Read more…] about How to avoid email problems
Temporary jobs are becoming the norm: how to prepare for the new workplace
You may have already noticed: the job market is changing. Forecasters have been predicting this for years, and research continues to come out showing that the contingent – otherwise known as temporary, or contract, workforce, is growing. [Read more…] about Temporary jobs are becoming the norm: how to prepare for the new workplace