Have you thought about creating a side business to bring in revenue in addition to your full-time job? If you haven’t already realized that there’s no true job security, now is a good time to start thinking about how you could bring in additional streams of revenue. [Read more…] about How to start a business when you work full time
How to explain being fired in an interview
It’s the dreaded question for everyone who has experienced a termination: “Why were you fired?” You know to expect it, and many people allow their fear of this question to throw them off their games. [Read more…] about How to explain being fired in an interview
How to find a job on Twitter
No doubt, you’ve already heard that networking is the best way to find a job? Luckily, social networking tools, such as Twitter, allow job seekers to redefine networking. Can you find a job on Twitter? [Read more…] about How to find a job on Twitter
How to use social media to get a job
Thanks to CIPHR for this info graphic. I loved that it includes suggestions I always give job seekers and business owners about how to use keywords in social media profile bios! Enjoy!
The Ultimate Social Media Guide to Getting a Job [Infographic] by the team at CIPHR
Signs it’s time for a new job
Dead end. It conjures up a dark, dismal alley you can’t pass through. It’s not a good image if you’re trying to get somewhere, most especially getting somewhere in your career. What is a dead-end job, and how can you know if you’re in a career-killing situation and it’s time for a new job? [Read more…] about Signs it’s time for a new job