While you may have heard that email is dead, it is, in fact, probably the most important tool you will use during your job hunt. You’ll likely email your application and cover letter, and use it to reach out to networking contacts, follow up after informational meetings, and thank interviewers with a perfectly worded note.
Since most people are accustomed to casually communicating via Twitter and text, it’s easy to underestimate the importance of email interactions. Keep these pointers in mind to make sure email helps you win a job.
1. Use an appropriate email. Choose [email protected] or (even better), set up an email from your own domain, such as [email protected].
2. Take advantage of job alerts. Consider reviewing Job-Hunt.org’s list of criteria to evaluate job boards to be sure you protect your privacy.
3. Reach out with a spectacular cover letter. Think of keeping the text to the length of what likely fits on one screen without scrolling.
4. Follow up so they don’t forget you. Are you writing notes that inspire readers to advocate for you?
5. Ask friends to help.
6. Write a thank you note.
7. Always edit all of your notes. Review your email messages carefully, and you’ll be much more likely to impress the reader—and possibly land an opportunity.
Read all the details on my post at U.S. News & World Report.
photo by RambergMediaImages