I know how frustrating it is for job seekers who think they are “doing everything they can,” but still can’t land a job. It’s empowering to realize there are probably strategies you have not tried and new, assertive approaches to expanding your network and landing a job.
Here are five things you may not have tried that can make a difference:
1.    Seek speaking opportunities. Even if you are not employed, if you are an expert in a subject matter, you should be able to identify organizations interested in hearing you speak. Start locally by finding the Kiwanis and Chamber of Commerce in your area. Identify local chapters of your profession’s organizations. Join, attend regular meetings, and volunteer to share what you know about topics that interest the membership.
Toastmasters groups are terrific places to practice your presentation skills if you are not a natural public speaker. In addition to improving your communication skills, participating in Toastmasters will naturally expand your professional reach and potentially result in some great contacts.
Benefit: Speaking in front of a group automatically provides you credibility. When you deliver useful information or new ideas, you solidify your position as an expert in the topic. The combination of these could help you literally find the perfect audience for your job search.
Read the rest on my weekly U.S. News & World Report column
photo by owaief89