Yes, there are specific things you can do to land a job more quickly. In fact, I am pretty sure that many (how’s that for non-specific?) people become part of the “long-term unemployed” statistic because they do not know how to look for a job in today’s market. Or, they miss important steps because someone told them they weren’t important.
I was flattered when a representative for Marlo Thomas’ Huffington Post channel contacted me because they saw an article of mine that they liked and wanted to know if I would write a post for them to turn into a slideshow for their site. The topic: 15 tips to land a job.
If you haven’t found a job, or you are looking for one, take a look at the slideshow, and don’t skip any steps. You’ll be ahead of the game, and more importantly, ahead of a lot of other people looking for a job, if you keep all of these in mind.
View the tips and the slideshow.